
What is Zoom?

Zoom Video Communications is a company headquartered in San Jose, California that provides remote conferencing services using cloud computing. Zoom offers communications software that combines video conferencing, online meetings, chat, and mobile collaboration.

How does CEDP use Zoom?

CSPD uses Zoom as our preferred Video Conferencing (VC) software. We currently use Zoom heavily in CEDP HQ within all our VC meeting rooms. Zoom is available to all our staff members within the diocese. Zoom has replaced Cisco Webex.

You can access Zoom by going to https://parracatholic.zoom.us/ and clicking Sign In. You can host one time meeting using a random unique code or by your own personal ID.

If you would like to learn more about Zoom, please visit the Zoom training website found in the resources section.


Download Zoom

Zoom Training materials

Zoom Training Website