
What is Classm8?

Classm8 is the virtual learning environment for Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese. Classm8 is powered by Google Apps for Education and provides a suite of core productivity tools such as Google Mail, Google Calendar and Google Contacts. Classm8 allows staff and students to create, share and collaborate online using powerful tools like Google Docs, Google Sites, Google Groups, Blogger and much more, all in a secure shared learning environment.

In addition to these Google Apps, Classm8 provides access to many of Google’s other web-based services - for example Google Drive, Google Chat, and Youtube (videos) to name a few. See this comprehensive list of Google services for more details.

Who can access Classm8?

All Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) school and office staff and students have access to Classm8. All users access the services using their standard CEDP username and password.

Classm8 is implemented using two Google Apps 'environments'. A Google Apps environment is simply a collection of users with associated services. There is one Google Apps environment for staff and one Google Apps environment for all students in CEDP schools.

How do I login to Classm8?

Classm8 can be accessed by logging into the launch page at Log in using your standard CSPD username and password. You can also log in directly through the Google homepage using the Sign in button or directly typing in the associated URL as listed below: