VoIP Phones

What is it?

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) denotes a group of technologies that enable voice and multimedia communication over IP networks.

CEDP have implemented VoIP phone systems into schools so that phone communication now occurs over network data lines instead of phone lines. This reduces usage costs for schools and enables management of the phones over the network.

All schools have a AGEID - SCHOOL - Telephony (VOIP) Customer Data google sheet inside their respective Trainee Fileshare folders. This is a living document and must be kept up-to date.

How does it work?

VoIP phones are configured over the network and are familiar devices for staff. As such, day-to-day work with VoIP phones should be limited.

Comprehensive guides on the use of VoIP phones can be found online.

Any maintenance requests for VoIP phones (e.g. changing the name or extension number of the phone) should be sent in by Request to ServiceNow.

What if it doesn't work?

See the document Troubleshooting VoIP Devices in the Links section for a comprehensive guide on the common issues experienced with VoIP phones. If the guide does not assist in resolving the issue, please contact the ICT Service Desk for further support.

How can a School buy more?

Please log a ticket into ServiceNow with the following information:

  • School
  • Space where phone will be placed
  • How many

The Device and End User Services team will obtain a quote for an appropriate device for this space.

The below phones are what CEDP will recommend:

  • Cisco 3905 - Classroom area's and study area's
  • Cisco 7821 - Office spaces
  • Cisco 8851 - Executive staff and Admin staff
  • Cisco 8831 - Conference rooms
  • Jabra Pro Duo 9460 headsets - Admin staff

Useful guides:

Troubleshooting VoIP Devices