ATC Anytime Timesheet

What is Anytime Timesheet?

Anytime is an online timesheet system for ICT Trainees to submit their timesheets for approval by their school supervisor. Anytime also provides trainees the ability to view their Annual Leave and Sick Leave balances.

How do I use Anytime Timesheet?

Every fortnight, trainees are required to log in to Anytime, and submit a timesheet of their start and finish times, including lunch breaks. Once submitted, their onsite supervisor will receive an email notification, advising them to approve the timesheet.

All ICT Trainees are provided with a login and password, which is provided by the Australian Training Company. Anytime can be logged into by going to this link.

Additional Information:

My Onsite Supervisor isn’t listed to approve my timesheet?

If your LTST/LTC/STSO/IT Manager is not listed to approve your timesheet, send an email to your ATC Account Manager (Jane North and Kathy Millar) including their full name, email address and school.

I do not have access to Anytime:

To gain access to Anytime, trainees will be required to have an account created. This is done through their Australian Training Company Account Managers.

Once you receive your login credentials, use the link below: