What is a proxy server?
A proxy server is a computer that acts as an in-between for end user devices and any outside web address. In CEDP the proxy server is used for content filtering. When a device tries to access an external IP address, it is first routed through the proxy server. The server then checks whether the site is blacklisted or white-listed.
If it is white-listed then the site is allowed and is displayed on the end user device. If the IP address is blacklisted, the site will not be displayed and a message from CEnet will appear saying that access to the site is blocked.
Proxy Auto Configuration (PAC) File
PAC Files contains information regarding proxy configuration, such as the proxy server location and firewall bypassed IP Addresses (NAPLAN, ISE Servers).
How to check the Proxy
While connected to EdNet you will need to have auto proxy enabled to connect to any sites.